QUEENSHOW je hudobno-divadelná koncertatívna šou pozostávajúca z najväčších hitov skupiny Queen. Podľa želania však vieme prispôsobiť aj zoznam skladieb, ktoré dodajú podujatiu ten správny náboj. Začínali sme ako žilinská kapela účinkujúca na školských akciách. Tak, ako pribúdali vystúpenia súkromného (svadby, plesy) či verejného charakteru (koncerty, festivaly), vyrástli aj naše hudobné osobnosti. Dodnes sa naše pôsobenie rozrástlo na územie celého Slovenska. Naša úprimná autenticita, ktorú prinášame zakaždým so sebou na pódium utvrdzuje nielen publikum, ale aj nás, že to, čo robíme, robíme dobre.
Je to jediná Queen tribute kapela na svete, ktorá na svojich vystúpeniach používa v takom rozsahu rovnaké alebo dobové nástroje, ako používala na koncertoch skupina Queen.
Je to slovenská kapela, ktorá sa úspešne predstavila na medzinárodnom festivale Freddie Celebration Days vo švajčiarskom Montreux 1. septembra 2023 a to hneď na dvoch koncertoch priamo pri soche Freddieho Mercuryho.
Prvá a zároveň jediná slovenská kapela ktorá účinkovala na festivale Freddie Celebration Days vo švajčiarskom Montreux, ktorý má takmer 20-ročnú tradíciu.
Od roku 2024 so skupinou hráva a spolupracuje taliansky gitarista Marco Giuseppe Di Marco, ktorý je známy vo „svete Queen” ako brilantný gitarista originálnej a jedinečnej techniky hry Briana Maya.
In Queenshow we present listeners with the most faithful live concert sound and visual expression of the phenomenal British group Queen. Their well-known compositions such as Bohemian Rhapsody, I Want To Break Free, Under Pressure, Radio Ga Ga and many other songs require precision both musically and technically.
That is why we use an exact copy of the Red Special guitar, which was made for us in France by the luthier Mickäel Dansan. Brian May’s unique guitar sound is completed by the same set of effects he was using – the legendary Pete Cornisch TB-83 treble amplifier, The TB-83 Extra Duplex, Boss CE1 and the typical British classic Vox AC30 in the typical “vox guitar wall”. In the song Crazy Little Thing Called Love, a black Fender Telecaster must not be missing in the solo.
Acoustic tracks are played in the same way Queen played them – with two original Ovation Pacemaker 1615-4 12-string acoustic guitars and a Gibson Chet Atkins CE.
Another must-have is Sunn 412L and Sunn 215BH along with the legendary Fender Precision and Music Man Stingray basses – John Deacon was playing the same ones.
The show is full of the distinctive period costumes that can be seen at all concerts.
The rhythm section uses the same drums as Roger Taylor, i.e. Ludwig Classic Maple drums in chrome finish, Hi Hat Zildjan Avedis 15″, which can be heard throughout the Queen era with Freddie Mercury. The other “sheets” used by Roger such as the 18-inch Zildjan Avedis Medium, Paiste 2002 Black and Red Label, or the larger 22″ Wuhan China and Zildjan Swish cannot be missing. The use of Roto Toms and the electric Octapad, which can be seen on Queen’s last tour are also heard in Queenshow. Acoustic set of songs involves a Ludwig vintage tambourine.
Songs from the 80s are enriched with the sound of the legendary analog synthesizer Yamaha DX7 and Roland VP 330 vocoder.
All the tools and gear currently used in Queenshow can be seen in our Rider in the Backline section, available for downloading in the contacts section.
It is an honor for us as members of Queenshow to pay tribute to a legend that conquered the fan’s hearts in all over the world.